Monday, October 18, 2010

Leave Me Alone!

As already mentioned in one of my tweets some time ago privacy seems to be very difficult to maintain over here. Or as a friend has very pointedly framed it: "Here in India the concept of privacy is basically non-existent."

The reasons for this are many: first and foremeost - especially in the cities - it is the constant space constraint. Grandparents, parents, children and sometimes even children's children sharing a single apartment (room, hut, whatever little space is available) is very common. Furthermore the closely knit family concept, children (in the absence of an adequate social security system) being responsible for the caretaking of their parents and finally the very open community culture with it's dynamic impact on society have established an environment which is very adverse to individualism and personal freedom.


Many aspects which in the West are concerned uttertly personal like e.g. career planning and marriage, are not only openly shared and discussed, but frequently even decided in a collective manner (mainly within the - for Westerners extended, or Indians close - family) rather than by the concerned individual alone.

In the cities the lack of space, the incredible amount of people around and the fact that one is virtually unable to be completely by oneself at any time has always been an issue for young couples who are longing to spend some time together away from the protective and inquisitive eyes of families, friends and neighbours. One of the very few spots in Mumbai that has been almost exclusively "reserved" for lovers has always been the sea. When I was recently taking a stroll at the seaside I could see young couples walking far out on the rocks of the sea just to catch their 30 minutes of privacy ...

Let them enjoy it ... finds

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