Thursday, October 07, 2010

Calendar Updates

Here as promised the post I wrote on the flight WRO-MUC:

As the upcoming few entries will primarily be about my time here in India, let's quickly recap a few of the more or less important updates from around the world:

September 29
The Polish government is preparing a framework for the adoption of the Euro (yes, while joining the EU in 2004, joining the Schengen zone in 2008 we still continue to earn as well as pay in Zloty instead of Euro).

Ordinary folks are not very keen on adapting the Euro any time soon as this is believed to increase the cost of living significantly, however some inofficial information has leaked that 2015 is a likely target.

October 2
National Holiday in India (Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday)

October 3
National Holiday in Germany (Day of Re-Unification) as well as 20th anniversary of the German Democratic Republic joining the Federal Republic of Germany (which in the end - let's for once keep all the sarcasm aside and agree - was for the better!).

Let’s also not forget that the whole freedom movement which eventually brought down the wall in Germany but also the entire iron curtain started actually in Poland.

II) After embarrassing mishaps during the last weeks of preparation (e.g. a pedestrian bridge collapsed, parts of the Games Village were found to be inhabitable due to ridiculous hygienic conditions), things have been straightened out and finally the Commonwealth Games, India's largest sporting event till date, have been inaugurated.

Since Delhi will be a fortress with security forces on high alert and visitors from all over the world pouring in and out the city

most probably not traveling not Delhi during the games ...

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