Saturday, October 30, 2010

Joey's - Part II *

Read this if you have missed the first part.

Fell asleep in front of the screen with my head resting comfortably on the keyboard. Now I need a coffee. And a smoke. And her.

My face has turned numb with the icy breeze blowing straight into it. I put all my hope on Joey's coffee, which brings me back to life every day, and to see her at  "her" spot outside the entrance. I imagine  her sitting there, sipping the rejuvenating liquid and singing another of those tunes that have me coming back here. My feet can't keep up with the pace of my heart beating. I turn around and the corner, and .... emptiness. The street, Joey's place ... deserted. I hear her, but I know it's my mind playing tricks on me. Where has she gone, leaving me chasing her voice forever ... ?

*This is one of my very early posts from 2006 which - amongst others - was not migrated when I started posting on Memonji's World, so I thought I'd re-publish them here. 

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