Wednesday, July 27, 2011


“Isn't it the moment of most profound doubt
 That gives birth to new certainties? 
Perhaps hopelessness is the very soil 
That nourishes human hope; 
Perhaps one could never find sense in life 
Without first experiencing its absurdity...”

Vaclaw Havel

Monday, July 18, 2011


'If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable,
you disconnect yourself from what you truly want,
and all that is left is a compromise.'

Sunday, February 20, 2011


'... you've tasted it, that's all you want to drink.'

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Turkey's FM on Democracy

Interesting Al Jazeera interview with the current foreign minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu:

Friday, February 11, 2011

'We The People!'

On this day we have witnessed history unfold in Egypt. Let this be the beginning of a process that brings liberty and freedom to the country so that the victims of the recent protests have not died in vain ...

For continued coverage of the events check out the excellent reporting of Al Jazeera English


Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Last night I have returned from a four-day trip to Paris where I met a couple of friends who've been living there since a couple of years. As I've been to Paris various times in the past I didn't need to do any major sightseeing and was able to enjoy spending time with the guys I haven't seen in a while as well as indulge in the culinary delights of the city.

The amazing architecture as well as the French art of creating a chic yet still legere atmosphere is a perfect setting for lingering in the cosy cafes during the day and in the excellent restaurants at night (although I mostly had the pleasure of being served very delicious homemade food!)

Not having been to the Centre Pompidou I set aside one day for an extensive visit - something I'll most probably do again next time, but also strongly recommend to anyone who's into modern art and has a few hours to spare.

Below a few impressions of the trip.

Modern Art Explained

Monday, January 31, 2011


“Sometimes our fate resembles a fruit tree in winter. 
Who would think that those branches 
Would turn green again and blossom, 
But we hope it, we know it.”

  - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - 


*Another picture I've taken during the last few, very chilly, days here in Wrocław,

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Resting Place

Despite a very cold weekend (however at times quite nice and sunny) I took a long walk yesterday and visited the old Jewish Cemetary (Stary Cmentarz Żydowski we Wrocławiu) of Wroclaw which dates back to 1856. 

Here a few impressions:

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Win & Lose

"You can lose a woman when you have won her."

- Max Frisch in Montauk (1975) -

*This post's picture was taken on Long Island (not far away from Montauk) about one year  ago.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Dark Side of Chocolate

In this first chocolate review of 2011 (see previous posts here, here and here) I have decided to write a little about two chocolates with an quite unusual high percentage of cocoa (so fasten your seatbelts!):

Michel Cluitzel, who some of my long-time readers will remember from his excellent 65% Mangaro, has come up with a small (30g) bar with an astonishing 99% cocoa content. Very eager to find out whether such a 'high voltage' chocolate is actually edible I could not resist bringing one home. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mind The Gap

The snow has almost entirely disappeared as the last couple of days have been quite warm with temperatures well above zero and all we're left with is all that dirt on the streets.

Regardless I'm posting a picture I have taken during my last trip to G. which was - due to the severe winter conditions - full of public transport travel.

Once more waiting for another train to get on to ...

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Beware of the Ice!

Last year scientists have uncovered a key reason for the common phenomenon of sudden headaches (lat. cephalgia repens).They blame ice cube cooled drinks for the symptoms at least 50% of the population in OECD countries are experiencing at least once in their lifetime.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Cappuccino Challenge

I have never liked Starbucks. From the first time I've had a coffee there I have been unable to feel any appreciation for their coffee and hence have abstained from having it for a long time. However, not wanting to be labeled biased or perhaps even fundamentalist today I have given it another another try. As I had some time on my hands before meeting a few friends I first had a cappuccino at my preferred coffee outlet, Coffee Heaven followed by a cappuccino at Starbucks (which was conveniently on the way). 

Sunday, January 02, 2011

How Are You Today?

Am currently reading "The Idea of Justice" by Amartya Sen which provides interesting insights on the theories of justice, fairness and the concept of reasoning but also touches upon other subjects such as linguistics like in the - quite amusing - excerpt I'd like to share with my readers today:

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Back & Posting

No posts, no pictures, delayed flights, trains and lost baggage is what summarises the unpleasant events of the last week.

With almost all outbound flights from Wroclaw cancelled due to heavy fog on 23 December I eventually managed to get 'home' after 15 hours, driving to Dresden, flying to Frankfurt, taking one long distance, one suburban train and an finally an additional cab. On top of that Lufthansa lost my bag on the flight and only managed to deliver it after almost four days.