Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome White Winter!

Now it's obvious (although the calendar might not make it official until in three weeks): winter has started! 

Have just taken these pictures with my phone camera while taking a walk in a park today afternoon.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Politics, Weather & Personal News

India's parliament is locked in a stalemate with parliamentary business impossible to conduct due to the oppositions insistence on (and the governemnt's reluctance to agree to) an official probe into one of the country's largest corruption scandals.

In the wake of the upcoming publication of confidential US documents the website Wikileaks has been unavailable for some time now (check out their Twitter account for latest updates)

The two Koreas continue to exchange not only unpleasantries, but also several rounds of fire. Whether the heated atmosphere is a prequel to another round of talks or seriously bringing us back to an armed conflict in the region remains to be seen.

With the beginning of advent winter has finally made it to Central Europe bringing us a first glimpse of snow. It's high time for your host to get a warmer coat!

Finally, on a more personal note, am excited of leaving to Norway in a few days to attend the farewell concert of the favourite band of my childhood, a-ha,  live in Oslo.

Nevertheless a good start into the new week ... from

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Traveller's Note

"Love's a train ride.
It's more important to be at the right time at the right place
Than to have a ticket."
Just read by ...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Swiss Surprise

Readers of my old entries from 2007 will remember my first chocolate post in which I promised to publish regular reviews of interesting and taste-worthy delicacies from the chocolate world. 

With a few years delay I have now decided to continue this series and would like to draw your attention to a chocolate which origins have surprised me as I have been a big and loyal fan of chocolates from Belgium, France as well as Italy and Läderach's Hazelnut chocolate is Swiss.

Monday, November 15, 2010


If I remember correctly so far I've mainly (or even exclusively) posted pictures of the nice and beautiful places here in Wroclaw. Naturally (like in any other city), there are also the less lovely areas featuring architectual crimes like the one pictures below. In fact, I had passed this building quite a few times already in the past, but realised just a few days ago that it would make a nice retro-, PRL-style picture.


Reassuring his readers of the beauty of historic Wroclaw ...

*PRL = Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa (People's Republic of Poland) which was the official name of communist Poland from 1952-1990

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Celluloid Wisdom

10 movie/tv quotes which have the potential of saying more than just the sum of their words (in no particular order):

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Lost Treasures

oThe below image depicts what is left from what used to be the hangout for the city's HARIBO junkies. A couple of months ago the place closed down and by now has entirely disappeared leaving us with practically no alternative as even large supermarket chains like TESCO and Carrefour keep only a very limited range of our favourite sweets.

'Love ain't here anymore'

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11. November

Apart from the fact that today is Independence Day in Poland as well as Karneval season kick-off day in some parts of Germany (Cologne being the carnival capital) there's not much to report. 

Not leaving without adding a b/w picture of Wroclaw ...

Somewhere in town 

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Amazing Discoveries

Two days of non-posting is more than enough thinks your host and is resuming publishing today with a variety of topics:

1.) First and foremost 'Happy Diwali' to all of my Hindu readers who celebrate the victory of  good over evil at this important religious festival also known as the festival of lights. While being in India during the last few weeks I could witness a similar shopping craze and a busy preparatory mood like we have coming our way in a few weeks from now before christmas.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Hot Sugar, Baby!

With great pleasure I have taken notice of a new CoffeeHeaven in the Renoma shopping mall right across my apartment. Not that it was really necessary as I already have two CoffeeHeaven outlets within a few minutes walking distance, but nevertheless it's nice to have more places to choose from, isn't it?

Thursday, November 04, 2010

The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

As this blog had been lingering in inactivity for quite a while until I started to post again a few weeks ago I guess quite a few of my readers have not participated in filling out my online Johari window. In case you are of of those who haven't, please take a few minutes and complete this little exercise. You can also create one for yourself afterwards.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Nasze Miasto

Coming back from Bombay to Wroclaw was in fact leaving as well as coming back home.

Having had amazingly beautiful weather last weekend I took a stroll alongside the river close to the university on Sunday evening where I took this picture.

One more place called 'home' ... for