Thursday, January 06, 2011

Beware of the Ice!

Last year scientists have uncovered a key reason for the common phenomenon of sudden headaches (lat. cephalgia repens).They blame ice cube cooled drinks for the symptoms at least 50% of the population in OECD countries are experiencing at least once in their lifetime.

Dr Hayder from the World Health Organisation, said: "In light of our findings, we believe that drinks containing crushed ice such as margaritas, mojitos as well as non-alcoholic smoothies pose the largest health risk." In tests on Polish mice, the researchers found that precautions designed to mitigate the cooling effect of the ice (such as melting it before consumption) lowered the animals' pain resistance and reversed most of the unwanted pain causing effects.

Recently Dr Hayder has spearheaded efforts to ban drinks cooled with any form of ice within the European Union but is facing strong opposition from both industry as well as consumer groups. 'First it was smoking, now it's the ice' is the common complaint heard in many bars these days. 
Despite the supporters are gaining momentum it remains unclear whether our beloved 'Frozen Lattes' will become a relict of the past. 

Proposing a EU-wide referendum on this ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, I think Dr. Hayder exagarates a little bit. Maybe he had some bad experience with cold drinks in the past...:)